
FAEB*Vienna City Gathering 2017 @

täglich 17:00 - 22:00 Uhr

von 11. 06. 2017 bis 18. 06. 2017

FAEB*Vienna calling!

Faeries, faggots and queens, it’s time to gather in celebration of our first urban gathering:

FAEBORHOOD :: A Radical Faerie Gathering


in Vienna Austria from June 12 – 18, 2017

Let's create a new cosmos of Faerie Magic!

A world full of empathy,
far away from all the clichés,
where we can listen to each other
and speak from our hearts,
in this world dominated by media and populism,
know-it-all and wiseacres.

Where we can respect our Mother Earth,
listening to our ancestor,
create new spaces and visions
for our Faerie family
and for the planet.

Where we can be sensible and always let go,
where we can be fabulously queer
and deal with our gay spirit and soul
and find our what we have in common

In one of the queerest and safest cities of the world
the city of Freud, Klimt, Mozart, Strauß, Falko and Conquita
during Vienna Pride
we will gather
for 7 days of freedom, love and respect

the first 4 day we gather mainly in Queer*Utopia Sonnenland
a magical forest oasis in the 11th district of Vienna,
then we will meet and greet in the the green lungs of Vienna:
the big parks of Schönbrunn, Augarten, Lainz and the Ring,
the nudist beaches of Lobau and Danube-Island
and finally in the legendary Prater.

Although we will also be temporarily present in Gay mainstream
as we also show up in the Pride village at Rathausplatz
and take part at the Gay Pride Parade (Regenbogenparade),
there will be enough time for us every day to participate in Faerie events.

On sunday June 11th we'll meet for a PRE Gathering Faerie Picnic at Burggarten Wien near butterfly house.
On Monday June 12th after Faerie coffee. We’ll be gathering at Sonnenland, Wien 10, at 4 pm. to welcome the magic.
Bring your foodie yums for a post-ceremony potluck.
Opening ceremony will start at 5 pm. We will be calling directions and joining together in ritual. We really hope to see you all already on Monday!

We will cook and eat together in Sonnenland
Open our hearts in heart circles
Talk about our visions, enjoy singing bowls Workshops on 14th,

on holiday June 15th, 8pm, we celebrate a


under the open sky

- and before- at 2pm there will be a special

Queer Performance Workshop “Being Fabulous”
offered by Mata Hari to prepare for the show.

We have 2 movie nights, showing
our Faerie Docuvaganca „Symbiofaerietaxiplasm oder die Feen von Hadres“
and for the first time ever in Austria:

on 16th June we present the FILMdocumentary about HARRY HAY, the founder of the first GAY Organisation "Mattachine Society" in USA, who also was the founder of the RADICAL Faerie Movement:

“Hope along the wind: the life of Harry Hay”

and maybe we also show “BIG JOY-The Adventures of James Broughton”

to learn about everything that’s going on during the week
in our streets, homes, dance halls, little knolls in yards – your house
Lets’s unite our energies.

Like all gatherings, the content will be created by you and the others attending.

Our houses,
Parks in Vienna and The Prater

the first 4 days also at Sonnenland: o/
How to get there: o/lageplan/
take metroline U3 to Enkplatz or U1 Reumannplatz and then take tram 6
Entrance: Werkstättenweg 75, 1110 Wien

If you want to meet us or see a FILM please write to
[email protected]

With love and faerie kisses... and sending hugs to you all!

Mata Hari and Red Rose
(for the gathering team)




Eurofaeries Österreich

Mail: [email protected]

Wir gehören zu den Radical Faeries, einer internationalen Gemeinschaft von queeren Menschen jeden Alters, aller Hautfarben, über die Geschlechtergrenzen hinweg, abseits des Mainstreams. Wir verstehen uns als bewusste Weiterentwicklung des schwul-lesbisch, bi- transsexuellen oder nogender Lebens. Einige von uns sind spirituell interessiert, was immer das für den Einzelnen auch bedeuten kann. Statt in Hierachien entscheiden wir im Konsens. Wir suchen die Verbindung zur Natur, mit Nachhaltigkeit und in Harmonie zu ihr.


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